Supporting data for "Deciphering the Ligands and Signaling of a Novel Innate Immune Sensor, Toll-like Receptor 10 and its Functional Relevance in Viral Pathogenesis"
This dataset includes raw and analyzed data for the captioned thesis. This thesis aims to investigate the ligand, the proximal signaling adaptor and the role of TLR10 in the pathogenesis of influenza A virus infection. Folders for Chapter 3.1 contains supporting data for the identification of TLR10 ligand by various biochemical assays. Folders for Chapter 3.2 contains raw mass spectrometry data related to TLR10 proximal protein identification by proximity labelling. It also contains confocal micrographs for colocalization studies. Folder for Chapter 3.3 contains supporting data for the investigation of the role of TLR10 in influenza A virus disease pathogenesis by generating a TLR10 knockout cell line in conjunction with RNA sequencing and various biochemical assays. Raw mass spectrometry data and confocal micrographs require the use of MaxQuant and ZEN lite respectively for opening or analysis.