Supporting data for " The Establishment of Ovarian Follicles from Mouse Expanded Potential Stem Cells"
This is the supporting data for thesis entitled "The Establishment of Ovarian Follicles from Mouse Expanded Potential Stem Cells" . This study demonstrated for the first time the PGCLC and pre-GC differentiation potential of mEPSC. The modified stepwise protocol was shown efficiently differentiate male and female mEPSC into PGCLC. More importantly, female mEPSC-derived PGCLC were transcriptionally closer to in-vivo PGC when compared to those derived from female mESC. This study further demonstrated the inefficient pre-GC differentiation from mEPSC. The approach of pinpointing key pathways and the related drugs led to the discovery of two FDA-approved drugs that enhanced pre-GC differentiation from mEPSC. This file contains data supporting the above results.