Supporting data for PhD thesis “Investigating the Impact of Argument-Driven Inquiry and Academically Productive Talk on Critical Thinking and Learning Motivation in Post-Pandemic Hong Kong Science Education”
Directory of Files:
A. Filename:
Short description: Quantitative Data. The zip files contain 6 Excel files which store students' raw data. This raw data set consists of student's input on each CCTDI item. The pre-data were collected through an online survey, while post-data were collected through pen and paper. The data will be analysed by ANOVA to compare the effectiveness of the intervention.
(California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (CCTDI) has been widely employed in the field of education to investigate the changes in students’ Critical Thinking (CT) attitudes resulting from teaching interventions by comparing the pre- and post-tests. This 6-point scale self-reporting instrument requires respondents to rate themselves, ranging from “rating 1” for not describing them at all to “rating 6” for extremely well. The instrument has 40 questions categorized in seven subsets covering various CT dispositions dimensions, namely: i) truth-seeking, ii) open-mindedness, iii) analyticity, iv) systematicity, v) inquisitiveness, vi) maturity, and vii) self-confidence.
B. Filename:
Short description: Quantitative Data. The zip files contains 6 excel files which stores students' raw data. consists of student's input on each TCTSPS item. The pre-data were collected through an online survey, while post-data were collected through pen and paper. The data will be analysed by ANOVA to compare the effectiveness of the intervention.
(Test of Critical Thinking Skills for Primary and Secondary School Students (TCTS-PS) consists of 24 items divided into five subscales measuring distinct yet correlated aspects of CT skills, namely: (I) differentiating theory from assumptions, (II) deciding evidence, (III) inference, (IV) finding an alternative theory, and (V) evaluation of arguments. The instrument yields a possible total score of 72. The instrument is intended for use in measuring gains in CT skills resulting from instruction, predicting success in programs where CT is crucial, and examining relationships between CT skills and other abilities or traits.)
C. Filename:
Short description: Quantitative Data. The zip files contains 5 excel files which stores students' raw data. consists of student's input on each SMTSL item. The pre-data were collected through an online survey, while post-data were collected through pen and paper. The data will be analysed by ANOVA to compare the effectiveness of the intervention.
(Students' Motivation Towards Science learning (SMTSL) defined six factors that related to the motivation in science learning including self-efficacy, active learning strategies and so on, in order to measure participants' motivation towards science learning: A. Self-efficacy, B. Active learning , trategies, C. Science learning value, D. Performance goal, E. Achievement goal, and F. Learning environment stimulation)
D. Filename: Combine_Discourse and Combine_Discourse
Short description: Qualitative Data.The zip files contains 6 excel files which 6 teachers' classroom teaching discourse transcriptions. The data will be analysed by thematic analysis to compare the effectiveness of the intervention.
(38 science classroom discourse videos of 8th graders were transcribed and coded by Academically Productive Talk framework (APT). APT is drawing from sociological, linguistic, and anthropological perspectives, comprises four primary constructs or objectives.)
E. Filename: Combine_Inquiry
Short description: Qualitative Data. The zip files contains 2 excel files which 2 schools' inquiry report scores according rubrics. The data will be analysed by thematic analysis to compare the effectiveness of the intervention.
(To assess the quality of students' arguments, a validated scoring rubric was employed to evaluate the student's written argument. These aspects primarily concentrated on the student's proficiency in five perspectives (Walker & Sampson, 2013, p. 573):
(AR1) Provide a well-articulated, adequate, and accurate claim that answers the research question, (AR2) Use genuine evidence to support the claim and to present the evidence in an appropriate manner, (AR3) Provide enough valid and reliable evidence to support the claim, (AR4) Provide a rationale is sufficient and appropriate, and (AR5) Compare his or her findings with other groups in the project.)
F. Filename: Combined_Interview Transcription.xlsx
Short description: Qualitative Data. The file contains all the students' interview transcriptions. The data will be analysed by thematic analysis to compare the effectiveness of the intervention.
(A semi-structured interviews was conducted to gather interviewees' motivation of CT and learning motivation in the context of science. The interview data would be used to complement the quantitative results (i.e., TCTS-PS, CCTDI, and SMTSL scores).