Supporting data for “The role of IL-25 in the development of murine lupus”
This research focused on exploring the role of IL-25 in the pathogenesis of SLE and potential therapeutic strategies for treating SLE. SLE is an autoimmune disease characterized by autoantibody production and systemic chronic inflammation. This study showed that IL-25 can alleviate lupus development by suppressing Th17 differentiation and glycolysis, which indicates the therapeutic effect of IL-25 in treating lupus. A well-established lupus mouse model was used to mimic the disease phenotypes of human SLE and the underlying molecular mechanism was investigated. C57 mice, IL-25 KO mice, IL-17RB KO mice, and NSG mice were used for lupus induction. Murine samples including serum, spleen, lymph nodes, kidneys, thymus, and bone marrow, as well as human samples including serum and PBMCs, were used during the project. My data files are related to chapters 3 to 7 in my thesis. In order to upload the data successfully, the chapters were separated into several sub-chapters, such as chapter 3-1 and chapter 3-2.