This dataset include all the raw data supporting the PhD thesis titled as ESTABLISHMENT OF A THREE-DIMENSIONAL CO-CULTURE MODEL TO INVESTIGATE HUMAN ENDOMETRIAL GLAND DEVELOPMENT. All the experimental data used for statistical analysis were included, in the form split into Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5 and Chapter 6. For detailed information of each type of experimental result:
The file involve all the raw data for RT-qPCR analysis, Western blot analysis, Gelatin Zymography and XTT assay for GraphPad Prism statistical analysis.
All the IHC staining images for all the biological replicates and respective quantification analysis were included.
The bioinformatic analysis result for bulk transcriptome and proteomic analysis was included in the form of report from the sequencing company, BGI, Hong Kong.
The single-cell RNA sequencing analysis raw data was provided in the form of Cell Ranger dataset.