HKU Data Repository

Supporting data for "the effectiveness of whole-body vibration in preventing vocal fatigue"

posted on 2025-01-27, 06:39 authored by Ziding WangZiding Wang

This study aimed to investigate whether a 10-minute whole-body vibration can be used as an effective method to prevent vocal fatigue.Thirty-eight vocally healthy adults were recruited in the present study. Participants were randomly assigned to the experiment or control groups to receive either a 10-minute whole-body vibration or vocal resting as a vocal preparation task. After that, participants were asked to perform a vocal loading task to induce vocal fatigue. Dataset involving scores of the self-perceived level of vocal effort, the highest fundamental frequency production, estimated subglottal air pressure, and the thyrohyoid distances was collected at the pre-prevention phase (the baseline level before vocal preparation tasks), post-prevention phase (immediately after whole-body vibration or vocal resting), and post-reading phase (after vocal loading tasks). The duration of vocal loading tasks in the two groups was also counted.

For dataset scores of the self-perceived level of vocal effort, total scores of five items by addition from subjective self-ratings were calculated as scores of self-perceived levels of vocal effort. The duration of vocal loading tasks was computed from the moment participants started to read text materials to the moment they reported vocal fatigue. It was measured in units of minutes. For the dataset with the highest fundamental frequency production, participants were asked to repeat the process of producing the highest fundamental frequency three times. The highest fundamental frequency production for each trail was obtained by the program itself. The highest fundamental frequency production among these three trials was selected for final analysis. For the dataset with estimated subglottal air pressure, the mean phonation threshold pressure (cm H2O) of the middle five /pi/ syllables among three trials was included as the estimated subglottal air pressure for final analysis. For thyrohyoid distances, after identifying the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage, the researcher placed the starting and ending points at corresponding positions with the cursor. A segmented line between these two landmarks was used to indicate the thyrohyoid distance and it was measured in centimeters.


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