Supporting data for thesis entitled " 3D Neuroblastoma Tumor Sphere Enhances Tumor Cells Migration and Drug Resistance"
The folder contains the supporting data for thesis entitled "3D Neuroblastoma Tumor Sphere Enhances Tumor Cells Migration and Drug Resistance". The subfolders are arranged according to each result chapters. The dataset includes summary files of live-cell imaging, RNA sequencing and cellular migration assay results.
The study is divided into five parts:
1) evaluation of drug resistance between 2D monolayer cell culture vs 3D spheroids,
2) development of a bright-field stain-free 3D migration assay,
3) mechanistic study of molecular events underlying cellular migration in a MYCN-amplifed neuroblastoam cell line, 4) the transcriptomic changes associate with neuroblastoma 3D migration and
5) the pro-tumorigenic functions of the immune checkpoint molecule B7H3 in neuroblastoma.