HKU Data Repository

supporting data for "Exploring the Mechanism and Management of Cisplatin Induced Peripheral Neuropathy in the Treatment of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma"

posted on 2024-04-19, 07:58 authored by Xian Wang

The data set for the thesis consists of separate files for chapters 3, 4, and 5. Each chapter follows the same structure and contains similar content, but the results presented in each chapter are different.

Chapter 3, 4, 5 specifically contains six sets of results, including:

1. MTT: Cell viability detection.

2. DCFDA: This experiment used dcfda as an indicator of intracellular ROS, and it was conducted using flow cytometry.

3. Mito SOX: This experiment used MITO SOX as an indicator of mitochondrial ROS, and it was also conducted using flow cytometry.

4. Mitochondrial membrane potential: The indicator used for this experiment was JC-1, which measures mitochondrial membrane potential. Flow cytometry was employed for this experiment as well.

5. Western blot: The proteins MPZ and p75NTR, which are indicators of myelin formation in Schwann cells, were analyzed using western blot. Additionally, Nrf2 and PI3K, known regulators of ROS, were also measured by western blot for their quantification.
