Supporting data for “Selenium-containing photosensitizer for proximity labeling in live cells via near infrared light irradiation”
We have established a system capable of concurrent RNA and protein proximity labeling in live cells through NIR-induced activation. The utilization of long-wavelength radiation enables deep tissue penetration and is orthogonal to existing enzymatic proximity labeling methods like those involving APEX-mediated protein and RNA labeling, as well as TurboID-mediated protein labeling. This approach circumvents the need for cumbersome intracellular fusion protein expression. The membrane-affinity properties of the small molecule probe offer exceptional site specificity without necessitating washing steps, setting it apart from traditional synthetic photosensitizer-mediated proximity labeling methods. Given the straightforward application of SeNB, the NIR light-regulated labeling process, and the minimal light exposure duration required, we anticipate broad adoption of SeNB in complex biological systems.