HKU Data Repository

Restoration and Study of CRHK’s Radio Drama Archives (1960s - 1970s) | 六、七十年代商業電台廣播劇聲帶復修及研究計劃

posted on 2022-09-29, 07:11 authored by Gary Pui-fung Wong

The Special Collection “Radio Dramas of the Commercial Radio Hong Kong” (商業電台廣播劇) includes 17 radio dramas series (named as “dramatised fiction” at the time) that the Hong Kong Commercial Broadcasting Company Limited (Commercial Radio Hong Kong; CRHK) produced (including 10 series like “mystery stories”, “tales in the past and present”, “family-themed fiction”, and “literary fiction” etc.), as well as six “theatrical dramas” that drama groups produced for the CRHK. The dramas were broadcast on CRHK’s Cantonese channels between 1966 and 1976. 

“Dramatised fiction” was the major genre of radio broadcasting in the 1960s and 1970s. These clips are CRHK’s only existing complete record of “dramastised fiction”. 

During the restoration process, the School of Journalism and Communication of the Chinese University of Hong Kong transcribed the open reel tapes to a computer compatible format. Then, sound technicians carried out noise reduction and tuning, and created the stereo effect. The audio clips were then remastered and output with 10dBFS, 23bit, 48hz standard. 

The clips are donated by the CRHK. The restoration process is sponsored by the Lord Wilson Heritage Trust. Dr. Gary Pui-fung Wong catalogued and remastered the clips. This Special Collection in a valuable historical record of radio broadcasting history. We hope to bring the audience back in time, and encourage the production and research of radio dramas through this Special Collection. 


A special thank is given to Mr. Fung Chi Fung, who provided huge support to connect with veteran broadcasters during the research process. 

All the remastered clips are now hosted by Digital Repository@ HKUL for public access. More information here:

Please contact us at if you need further information. 

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所有已復修的聲帶現存放於香港大學圖書館的數碼館藏Digital Repository@ HKUL供公眾瀏覽。請參考以下網址:



The Lord Wilson Heritage Trust
