{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1671\cocoasubrtf600 {\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} {\*\expandedcolortbl;;} \paperw11900\paperh16840\margl1440\margr1440\vieww19560\viewh13000\viewkind0 \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs26 \cf0 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 This README.txt file was generated on <20200921> by \ \ -------------------\ GENERAL INFORMATION\ -------------------\ \ 1. Title of Dataset: Supporting data for \'93Gaming Disorder and Gaming Motivation: A Mixed-Method Research based on In-game Financial Expenditure and Gaming Time\'94.\ \ 2. Author Information\ First Author Contact Information\ Name: Hsin-Yi Wang\ Faculty: Faculty of Social Science, Department of Psychology\ Email: h1256651@connect.hku.hk; louiswang94@hotmail.com\ \ ---------------------\ DATA & FILE OVERVIEW\ ---------------------\ Directory of Files:\ A. Filename: HsinYiWANG_Dataset_1.csv \ Short description: Dataset for Study 1 of Gaming Disorder and Gaming Motivation: A Mixed-Method Research based on In-game Financial Expenditure and Gaming Time \ \ B. Filename: HsinYiWANG_Dataset_2.csv \ Short description: Dataset for Study 2 of Gaming Disorder and Gaming Motivation: A Mixed-Method Research based on In-game Financial Expenditure and Gaming Time\ \ Additional Notes on File Relationships, Context, or Content \ \ File Naming Convention:\ \ \ \ -----------------------------------------\ DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: [HsinYiWANG_Dataset_1.xlsx]\ -----------------------------------------\ 1. Number of variables: 10\ \ 2. Number of cases/rows: 312\ \ 3. Missing data codes:\ \ 4. Variable List\ A. Name: Author\ Description: Author\'92s name of the paper included in the meta-analysis\ B. Name: PubYr\ Description: Publication year of the paper included in the meta-analysis\ C. Name: Country\ Description: Published country of the paper included in the meta-analysis\ D. Name: SampleSize\ Description: Sample size of the paper included in the meta-analysis\ E. Name: Sex\ Description: Gender distribution of sample for the paper included in the meta-analysis\ F. Name: MeanAge\ Description: Mean age of the sample for the paper included in the meta-analysis\ G. Name: GD Measure Name\ Description: Name of the gaming disorder used for the paper included in the meta-analysis\ H. Name: Gaming Motivation Scale\ Description: Name of the gaming motivation scale used for the paper included in the meta-analysis\ I. Name: Subscale\ Description: The gaming motivation sub-scale used for the paper included in the meta-analysis\ J. Name: IGD-Motive r\ Description: Correlation for the association between GD and gaming motivation for the corresponding paper\ \ -----------------------------------------\ DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: [HsinYiWANG_Dataset_1.xlsx]\ -----------------------------------------\ 1. Number of variables: 39\ \ 2. Number of cases/rows: 433\ \ 3. Missing data codes:\ \ 4. Variable List\ A. Name: fin_lb\ Description: The amount of money spent on purchasing loot boxes\ B. Name: fin_ot\ Description: The amount of money spent on purchasing other in-game items\ C. Name: GDC_1\ Description: Whether the reported game adopted the design characteristic of \'93pay-to-win\'94\ 1 = Yes\ 0 = No\ D. Name: GDC_2\ Description: Whether the reported game adopted the design characteristic of \'93cash-out\'94\ 1 = Yes\ 0 = No\ E. Name: GDC_3\ Description: Whether the reported game adopted the design characteristic of \'93virtual currency used\'94\ 1 = Yes\ 0 = No\ F. Name: GDT_1\ Description: Response to Item 1 of the Gaming disorder test\ G. Name: GDT_2\ Description: Response to Item 2 of the Gaming disorder test\ H. Name: GDT_3\ Description: Response to Item 3 of the Gaming disorder test\ I. Name: GDT_4\ Description: Response to Item 4 of the Gaming disorder test\ J. Name: MOGQ_1\ Description: Response to Item 1 of the Motivation for Online Gaming Questionnaire\ K. Name: MOGQ_2\ Description: Response to Item 2 of the Motivation for Online Gaming Questionnaire\ L. Name: MOGQ_3\ Description: Response to Item 3 of the Motivation for Online Gaming Questionnaire\ M. Name: MOGQ_4\ Description: Response to Item 4 of the Motivation for Online Gaming Questionnaire\ N. Name: MOGQ_5\ Description: Response to Item 5 of the Motivation for Online Gaming Questionnaire\ O. Name: MOGQ_6\ Description: Response to Item 6 of the Motivation for Online Gaming Questionnaire\ P. Name: MOGQ_7\ Description: Response to Item 7 of the Motivation for Online Gaming Questionnaire\ Q. Name: MOGQ_8\ Description: Response to Item 8 of the Motivation for Online Gaming Questionnaire\ R. Name: MOGQ_9\ Description: Response to Item 9 of the Motivation for Online Gaming Questionnaire\ S. Name: MOGQ_10\ Description: Response to Item 10 of the Motivation for Online Gaming Questionnaire\ T. Name: MOGQ_11\ Description: Response to Item 11 of the Motivation for Online Gaming Questionnaire\ U. Name: MOGQ_12\ Description: Response to Item 12 of the Motivation for Online Gaming Questionnaire\ V. Name: MOGQ_13\ Description: Response to Item 13 of the Motivation for Online Gaming Questionnaire\ W. Name: MOGQ_14\ Description: Response to Item 14 of the Motivation for Online Gaming Questionnaire\ X. Name: MOGQ_15\ Description: Response to Item 15 of the Motivation for Online Gaming Questionnaire\ Y. Name: MOGQ_16\ Description: Response to Item 16 of the Motivation for Online Gaming Questionnaire\ Z. Name: MOGQ_17\ Description: Response to Item 17 of the Motivation for Online Gaming Questionnaire\ AA. Name: MOGQ_18\ Description: Response to Item 18 of the Motivation for Online Gaming Questionnaire\ AB. Name: MOGQ_19\ Description: Response to Item 19 of the Motivation for Online Gaming Questionnaire\ AC. Name: MOGQ_20\ Description: Response to Item 20 of the Motivation for Online Gaming Questionnaire\ AD. Name: MOGQ_21\ Description: Response to Item 21 of the Motivation for Online Gaming Questionnaire\ AE. Name: MOGQ_22\ Description: Response to Item 22 of the Motivation for Online Gaming Questionnaire\ AF. Name: MOGQ_23\ Description: Response to Item 23 of the Motivation for Online Gaming Questionnaire\ AG. Name: MOGQ_24\ Description: Response to Item 24 of the Motivation for Online Gaming Questionnaire\ AH. Name: MOGQ_25\ Description: Response to Item 25 of the Motivation for Online Gaming Questionnaire\ AI. Name: MOGQ_26\ Description: Response to Item 26 of the Motivation for Online Gaming Questionnaire\ AJ. Name: MOGQ_27\ Description: Response to Item 27 of the Motivation for Online Gaming Questionnaire\ AK. Name: Gender\ Description: Self-reported gender of participant\ 1 = Female\ 2 = Male\ AL. Name: Age\ Description: Self-reported age of participant\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ }