This README.txt file was genertaed on 20211216, by Lu yixuan General information regarding the data set submitted: 1. Title of the thesis: CLP36 Promotes p53-deficiency Induced Tumor Growth via Up-regulation of YAP1 Signaling. 2. Author information: First author: Lu, Yixuan Faculty: Medicine Email: 3. File overview: Folder 1: Supportdata_Folder 1_western blot data Western blot data Incudes western blot images. File includes protein expression level of multiple proteins. XL sheet of western blot analysis done through ImageJ software. Folder 2:Supportdata_Folder 2_Histology data Histology data Includes raw histological images in Jpeg/tiff format, easily readable. XL sheet of histology analysis measuring. Folder 3: Supportdata_Folder 3_Immunofluorescence data (IF) Immunofluorescence data (IF) IF images in tiff format includes seperate channels and merged channels. IF staining for YAP1(red), F-actin(green),Dapi(blue). XL sheet of analysis measuring. Folder 4: Supportdata_Folder 4_ functional assay data Functional assay data Foci formation, Soft agar assay, cell migration images in tiff format. XL sheet of quitification analysis measuring. 4. Methodological information: Software used for analysis: 1. ImageJ_open source software. 2. Prism 8 software.Not open source. 5. DATA DESCRIPTION: N/A